Sunday, August 15, 2010

Week 5

..Teaching Aids..

In the 5th week class, Pn. Foziah gave us a task. We are required to design and prepare teaching aids for Year 1 to Year 6 classes. My partner, Umar Fikri & I have been assigned to prepare some teaching aids for Year 2, Year 5 and Year 6 pupils. The topics are Fun Time At School, Where do you live? and Growing Pains. For every lesson, we have to choose suitable teaching aids that can be use in all five stages, which are Induction, Pre, While, Post and Follow stage. We are given 3 days to complete the task. We've already submitted the assignment.

The task really help us to prepare ourselves in becoming future English teacher. We have to be creative in planning and preparing the lesson so that it will be more interesting and meaningful to the pupils. The integration of ICT in designing teaching aids will help the lesson to become more interactive, appealing and the pupils will experienc enjoyful learning environment.
My partner and I have given our best in completing the task. We have chosen several types of teaching aids. They are picture cards, powerpoint presentation, videos, games, quiz and interactive exercise. Most of the teaching aids are downloaded from the educational websites. Here, I would like to share a few teaching aids that have been used in my assignment.

Year 5 - Where do you live?

Video -

Map -

Year 6 - Growing Pains

Picture card -

Video -

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